
  • Torres del Paine National Park

    70 kilometers from Puerto Natales .

    The Torres del Paine National Park is located in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region, Torres del Payne commune, Ultima Esperanza province. It was created by D.S. No. 383 of the Ministry of Agriculture, on May 13, 1959.

    It is known worldwide for the massifs that give it its name, granite giants modeled by the force of glacial ice. The unit stands out for the protection of fauna species such as ñandú, tilefish, owl.

    Regarding mammals, some of the 25 species present in the park include the cougar, chingue, red fox, as well as different kinds of reptiles (6), amphibians (3) and fish (6).

    Regarding flora, there are 274 species of plants classified into: Patagonian steppe, Pre-Andean scrub,

    Magellanic forest (lenga predominates) and Andean desert.

    In 1978 it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program (MAB).